Monday, 23 June 2014

The Jane

Hello there readers.  For some reason returning from holiday to my normal everyday Belfast life has left me in a bit of a slump and with little inclination or imagination to post on this blog.  But that just won't do will it, and so I will be sharing with you today what seems like the easiest way to get back into the world of posting - some of my holiday snaps.

As you know, I am not the world's best photographer, nor, it appears, am I the most prolific when it comes to vacation snapping.  While going through the photos from our trip I discovered that the majority of them were of our hotel in NYC - The Jane.  That's okay though, because The Jane is really a place worth talking about.

I have no idea if this is the most expensive hotel I've ever stayed in (you'd have to ask Mr B as he usually takes care of our travel accommodations), but it is definitely my favorite one.  Have you seen The Grand Budapest Hotel?  Well, The Jane is kind of like a hipster version of that.  Maybe not quite as grand, but it certainly looks like it should be in a Wes Anderson film.  They have an amazing lobby complete with taxidermied peacocks and classically uniformed staff.

According to the literature, The Jane was originally a hotel for sailors.  One of it's claims to fame was housing the survivors of the Titanic (a little Belfast connection there) until the inquiry into the ship's sinking.

I found this article from the NYTimes about The Jane, if you want to read more.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

hello again!

Hello there gentle readers.  I am back from my holidays in the golden state and almost ready to start blogging again.  I beg your indulgence for just a few more days while I get over my jet lag, unpack, and enjoy the beautiful sunshine we are having in NI (while it lasts).

Monday, 2 June 2014

California here I Come

I'm off to California for the next two weeks (with a few days in NYC thrown in for good measure).  It remains to be seen if I'll have any time while out there for blogging, but I'm taking an empty suitcase with me to fill up with all sorts of fun things from my collection to share with you when I get back.  In the meantime, please enjoy this informative film about my home state: